Welcome to Nusrat Sultana's page

IT 4203: Advanced Web Development

I am Nusrat Sultana. I am in my senior year as an IT major with Enterprise Systems concentration. This page is created for practicing and developing my web developement skills. I will upload all the projects and assignments of IT 4203 course here. I always had a great passion for web development and web designing. Hopefully I would learn some cool aspects of web development in this course.

Link to Professor's website: Professor Jack Zheng

Milestones Description
Milestone 1 This returns a single book data or a list of books in the JSON format
Milestone 2 Google Books API
Milestone 3 This is Milestone 3
Milestone 4 Single Page Application for searching books using Google API and Mustache template
Term Project Single Page application using Movie Database API to create a custom Movie Search Engine